Biomass briquettes and pellets are engineered for efficient combustion and energy release, potentially yielding higher energy output per unit of fuel compared to certain fossil fuels, thereby offering the potential for reduced fuel consumption. Industries often realize cost savings of 20% to 30% or more by transitioning to biomass briquettes and pellets from fossil fuels. Additionally, biomass fuel prices tend to be more stable and less vulnerable to fluctuations in global markets than fossil fuels. In regions where incentives or regulations promote the adoption of renewable energy sources like biomass, businesses may enjoy cost savings through tax incentives, subsidies, or avoided expenses associated with environmental compliance.


FactorsBriquettesCoalFurnace Oil/LDOCNG/PNG
Calorific Value3700 (± 200) Kcal/Kg4800 (± 200) Kcal/Kg10,050 (± 300) Kcal/Lt8000 – 10,500 Kcal/Kg
Ash Contents10% (± 3)30% (± 10)NegligibleNIL
Pollution/Poisonous EmissionLower SOx & NOxHigher SOx & NOxHigh SOxMethane, CO Emission
Moisture10% (± 3)30% (± 10)0.02%NIL
Cost Rs.6/Kg8.1/Kg42/Lt66/Lt
Cost Rs./KCAL1.621.684.187.14
Boiler EfficiencyPeriodical Cleaning RequiredPeriodical Cleaning RequiredMaintenance due to formation of AcidLow Maintenance
Carbon FootprintLowerHigherHighMedium
Storage RequirementsModerateHighModerateLow
Energy DensityLowMediumHighVery High
Ease of TransportationModerateDifficultModerateEasy
Safety ConcernsLowHigh (flammability)Moderate (handling)High (pressurized gas)
SustainabilityHigh (renewable)Low (non-renewable)Low (non-renewable)Medium (non-renewable, cleaner)
RemarksEco-friendly, agro-residue fuel. Low emissions, moderate storage and transport needs. Safe and sustainable.Fossil fuel, hazardous emissions. High ash and moisture content. Difficult to transport and high safety risks.High energy density and efficiency. Expensive, high environmental impact, and requires maintenance for acid.High energy density and low maintenance. Cleaner than coal and oil but expensive and requires safety measures.

Enhanced Analysis

  1. Environmental Impact:
    • Briquettes have the lowest carbon footprint and emissions of SOx & NOx, making them the most environmentally friendly option.
    • CNG/PNG has a medium carbon footprint but still emits methane and CO, which are greenhouse gases.
    • Coal has the highest emissions and a significant carbon footprint.
  2. Storage and Transportation:
    • CNG/PNG is the easiest to transport due to its pressurized form, but requires safety measures.
    • Coal is the most challenging to transport due to its bulk and weight.
    • Briquettes and Furnace Oil/LDO have moderate storage and transportation needs.
  3. Energy Density:
    • Furnace Oil/LDO and CNG/PNG have high to very high energy density, making them efficient in terms of space needed for storage.
    • Briquettes have the lowest energy density, requiring more storage space for the same energy output.
  4. Safety:
    • CNG/PNG requires careful handling due to its pressurized nature.
    • Coal has high flammability risks.
    • Briquettes are the safest with the least handling hazards.
  5. Sustainability:
    • Briquettes score highest as they are made from renewable agro-residues.
    • Coal and Furnace Oil/LDO are non-renewable and have significant environmental drawbacks.
    • CNG/PNG, while non-renewable, is cleaner than coal and oil but still relies on fossil fuel reserves.


  • Briquettes: Best for sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and low environmental impact. Suitable for those prioritizing eco-friendliness.
  • Coal: High emissions and difficult to handle, but moderately priced. Suitable where cost and high energy density are crucial despite environmental concerns.
  • Furnace Oil/LDO: High energy density and efficient, but expensive and environmentally damaging. Best where high energy output is essential.
  • CNG/PNG: High energy density and cleaner than coal and oil, but expensive and requires safety precautions. Ideal for scenarios needing high energy efficiency and cleaner combustion.

This enhanced table provides a more comprehensive comparison to help in decision-making based on various factors such as cost, environmental impact, storage, and safety.

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